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Astrologer Atlanta Kaashhyap's prediction comes true regarding Shah Rukh's son Aryan Khan

  After hearing Shahrukh Khan's son Aryan Khan's Mumbai drugs case day before the High Court granted bail to Aryan Khan. But the most noteworthy things in this has been its prediction.

Astrologer Atlanta Kaashhyap had made predictions from her social media account 3 days before bail on 24 October At 4.30 am which turned out to be exactly 300% true. The whole of India was eyeing Atlanta's prediction, after which the people of the country are once again feeling proud of her. Atlanta Kaashhyap wrote on social media account, Aryan Khan's Kundli defect, only 3 days are needed to remove it. There will be 300% jail release within minimum 7 days and maximum 21 days. 300% clean report will also be available and Aryan Khan will be home. Very wonderful thing was predicted. As soon as days 3 days were completed, bail was also APL on 27th October but postponed to 28th October. Where 3 days were completely completed and now Aryan was awaited to be home within 7 days.

Very amazing calculation, it's commendable of Atlanta to have predicted the future accurately. We are proud of Atlanta, daughter of India. One day India will be number 1 in future prediction. That is our hope.

  Similarly, Atlanta Kaashhyap had given accurate predictions in the Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt case. Even then her predictions came true 300%. Now Aryan Khan has also been granted bail by the court in the drugs case, whose prediction came true. The prediction of Atlanta Kaashhyap has never failed in 15 years. Atlanta is also called the daughter of nature.

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