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Film India Worldwide section at this year Mumbai Film Festival,

Film India Worldwide section at this
year Mumbai Film Festival, October 17 to 24, 2013

Year after year, Film India Worldwide (FIW)at the Mumbai Film Festival has  showcased films that are international in character but linked to a recognizable Indian idiom. This year, FIW presents six select films from countries spread far and wide – UK,  Nepal, France, Canada,  Pakistan and Spain. Some among them have already been lauded at film festivals. Others make an assured entry as premieres. Together they embrace the gamut of what India denotes to creative cinematic minds on the world scene.
These films are by filmmakers originating from India and now living elsewhere, whose heart and art echo back to their homeland. Or they are by international filmmakers who come to India’s locations to reflect its reality with new eyes.
Screenings are at Liberty Cinema and Metro Big Cinema, Marine Lines, as well as at Cinemax, Versova.
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